Saturday, January 30, 2010

30 Days of Justice: Youth With a Mission

3:31 AM
Some of Jesus' last words are “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." [Matthew 2819-20]. And one missions organization has been doing just that for over 50 years.

Youth With A Mission began in 1960 as a way to get young people to “know God and make Him known”. Today, YWAMers are no longer just youth, but people of all ages and generations. They live in over 150 nations and they like to work with partners in multi-cultural teams, celebrating the diversity of our different experiences, languages, and perspectives. They come from many different Christian traditions and they love to get together and worship God using our different expressions. They are all committed to growing in our understanding of who Jesus is and how He wants us to love and serve the people of the world. I am a YWAMer as well.

YWAM offers one of the best trainings for missionaries, called Discipleship Training School [DTS]. These schools are all over the world, in all different locations, with several specialized focuses. The format is 3 months of lecture, and 3 months of outreach. A YWAM missionary can attend a standard DTS, or one a bit more focused, like Worship, Compassion & Justice, or Sports centered. These specialized school programs allow students to be equipped to meet unique mission field experiences.

You can get involved with YWAM for just a few months, or a lifetime. By completing a DTS, you are able to serve at different YWAM bases, as you feel God leading. The base I visited this past summer was in Siem Reap, Cambodia. It is my goal to become a staff member of that base and work towards rescuing and restoring young Cambodian women seeking to leave of life of prostitution.. But...more on that tomorrow!

If you've felt the call to go overseas and see God work, start with YWAM. Or even if you want to stay in country, and help those around you find a YWAM base nearby. I know there are literally hundreds of Christian missionary sending organizations, and YWAM is just one. There are so many more reputable organizations doing amazing work for the kingdom. I chose to profile YWAM because they are who I am currently serving with, and maybe they could be someone you could serve with too.

About the author

Joy Muldoon is a full-time missionary and part-time blogger. Read about her travels, adventures, and missions here!