Thursday, January 21, 2010

30 Days of Justice: Current

3:55 AM
College is a great time in life. You are figuring out who you are gonna be and what you are gonna do. You feel like you have so much responsibility and pressure on you all the time, and then you get out of college and realize you had no idea, and long to go back to college again. Another great thing about college is that its when you are discovering and/or solidifying what you believe in. Whether a religion, a movement, a cause, or a faith, it's when you are finally out on your own that these things take hold. That's why it's so essential to have organizations on college campuses to reach out to the seeking college student.

Current is that organization at the University of South Florida. Current is a movement of young adults who seek to grow in faith and awareness of global injustice. They passionately engage these issues by giving their resources and time, and regularly going to places and people affected by them to help meet their needs. Their mission is to engage the current by growing, giving, and going. Through weekly meetings on USF's campus, college students are challenged to grow in their faith in God, and grow in their awareness of social issues around the world. This is accomplished through guest speakers (including yours truly!), documentaries, and discussion. Members of Current are also encouraged to give on a regular basis as well. Sure this is financial, but it's more than that. It's asking college students to give of their resources, and to learn how to meet others needs. And finally Current goes. It goes to the hurting and broken places in the world. It goes to the marginalized of the city. One on-going project Current participates in is called Laundry Love. They will go to the laundry mats located in some of the poorest parts of Tampa, armed with quarters, detergent, and love. Their main goal is to love the people at the laundromat. And whether that's through paying for their clothes to be washed, or playing with their kids so they can finish their laundry, each action and each conversation is intentional in showing these people God's meeting a practical need. Current also goes to other locations through the U.S. for mission projects. Most recently, they returned from Las Vegas where they partnered with XXXchurch to minister to those on The Strip. International trips are also part of Current's vision.

Getting college students fired up is pretty easy, but to get college students fired up about something they believe in and something that can change the world...that's huge. And that's what Current is doing here in Tampa.

About the author

Joy Muldoon is a full-time missionary and part-time blogger. Read about her travels, adventures, and missions here!