Sunday, January 31, 2010

30 Days of Justice: JOY in Cambodia

3:00 AM
Today's cause is very personal to me. Because it is me! For those of you who have just started following my blog, or those of you who know me all to well, I wanted to take the time today to focus on what exactly I'm doing with my life in the coming year.

It all started with a question 4 years ago....Human trafficking? What's that? I found the answers, and my life was forever changed. As I began researching and reading about this injustice, I knew that I would be devoting my life to end it. I didn't know how, or where, or for how long, but I knew it was part of me now. After much reading and prayers, God really started to lay Southeast Asia on my heart, and more specifically Cambodia. I thought that was strange, because I've never known anyone to go there, I never really think about it, and it just seemed odd. But it was confirmed within me over and over again that Cambodia was where I should go.

So I started looking into it. And wouldn't you know, one of the first sites I searched was YWAM, and one of the first job postings I found was for “Prostitute Recovery Staff”. I read the description and thought that is exactly what I want to do! The White Doves base was a home for girls who wanted to leave a life of prostitution and find healing. Through Bible study, counseling, education, and honest work, they find the freedom they've been searching for. Long story short, I emailed them, said I wanted that job and how do I get it. They suggested I visit first, which I whole-heartedly agreed with. So began planning my first solo trip to Asia. In August 2009, with my $2,000 plane ticket in hand, I left for my dream country of Cambodia. I went in with no real expectations, but it wasn't anything like I expected. I fell in love with the country, the people and the ministry. And that's why when I returned, I knew I was destined to go back. For more a detailed account of my time there, read past blog posts here.

In September 2010, I will began my Discipleship Training School with YWAM. I'm excited because it's a Compassion & Justice themed school, and I can't wait to soak in some great teaching during that time. The overseas outreach location hasn't been determined yet, but I'm for Asia. The cost for this school is around $6,000. Final cost will be set once the location is chosen. After my DTS, I am able to became YWAM staff at the White Doves base in Siem Reap. When I talked to the director, Martin, while I was there, I asked him specifically what would have when/if I returned. And he basically said, do what you are good at. Who doesn't love that as a job description! One of my favorite things I did with the girls was teach English. So I'm hoping to continue that when I return. I have so much to do in preparation for this new adventure, such as learning Khmer and teaching myself how to prepare some Cambodian food.

One area where I need the most help is financially. Both the school and the position in Cambodia are support-based, meaning I have to raise it all. Maybe most people would find that overwhelming, and sometimes I do, but mostly I find it exciting. Because not only is it a chance for God to show up and rock my world, it's also a chance for people like you to be part of this dream. It's a chance for people who have jobs, spouses, kids, and mortgages who can't fly around the world to rescue girls from sex trafficking, to be a part in fighting it. It's a chance for people to be part of a miracle. And that IS exciting.

If you'd like to donate to this opportunity you either use the PayPal link at the top left of my blog, or mail a check (made out to YWAM) to myself. If you wish to do that, contact me for my address. You can also become my Facebook fan here. Thank you for listening to me share my heart about my future plans.

About the author

Joy Muldoon is a full-time missionary and part-time blogger. Read about her travels, adventures, and missions here!