Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Guardian of Orphans

5:09 PM
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." - James 1:27

I just finished reading a biography of George Muller, probably the most recognized orphan care worker of all time. He was an evangelist, a teacher, and in his lifetime cared for over 10,000 orphans. A remarkable man to say the least!

But in reading the biography, George Muller: The Guardian of Bristol's Orphans, I was challenged by not just his care of orphans, but his extraordinary faith even more so. 

I've heard stories of how Muller never once asked someone for finances or physical needs, but now being a missionary, and living off of financial support myself, his lifestyle was even more inspiring. He prayed about every detail of running the orphanage, from the children they accepted to the finances to the food. And God met every single one of their needs! Muller kept a prayer journal, listing each request he made to God, and when and how it was then answered. Muller noted "The Lord not only gives as much as absolutely necessary for His work, but He gives abundantly." There is such peace and truth in these words. I can't begin to tell you how time after time I've wondered how I'd pay a bill or if I would have what I needed, and then there's God's provision. He's so good. Muller often had to trust God for large amounts of money as well, especially when he was building new orphanages. But even the large sums didn't shake his faith. "The greatness of the sum required affords me a kind of secret joy, for the greater the difficulty to be overcome, the more will be seen to the glory of God how much can be done by prayer and faith."

Creagon and I are currently trusting God for a large sum of money as well. We have a London outreach planned for this summer, and are needing Him to provide the finances and supplies needed for this trip. We know He is faithful, and will not just provide the finances, but the people that will be praying for us as we go. 

That's one of the beautiful parts of support raising. The more people I share our financial needs with, the more people that hear about the calling and vision God has placed on our lives. And the more people that get to make it possible. And the more glory that God gets. 

Reading about George Muller's ministry and faith took my faith to a new level. I believe that God will answer my prayers, like He answered Muller's. And I can't wait to give Him the glory as He does!

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

About the author

Joy Muldoon is a full-time missionary and part-time blogger. Read about her travels, adventures, and missions here!