Ringing in the Spring
0Spring 2012 New Student Extravaganza! from YWAM Orlando on Vimeo.
It's not only transition for students, but us as staff as well. Sometimes we are changing jobs or roles, moving dorms, or starting new projects. For me, the Spring quarter is a big one. I am taking a leadership training course [called the Basic Leadership School, or BLS]. I'm really excited about this course. I feel like God has been preparing me for more and more leadership lately, and I'm looking forward to getting a real Biblical and practical foundation for this leadership. So parts of my day will be spent in the classroom yet again, soaking up wisdom and principles from not just great leaders at our base, but the international YWAM community as well. Pretty awesome!
I'll also be continuing to ramp up the YWAM Orlando social media. I've loved opportunities to make videos, post photos and share stories of what God is doing on our campus and through our staff & students. And I get to creatively share these things in many different outlets. And I get to work alongside of Creagon in this role, who strengthens and encourages everything I do. What a blessing to have him by my side!
And for those of you checking in with my goals of 2012, I haven't forgotten them! Totally finished reading the Old Testament this month [although, not chronologically like I originally planned] with the help of The Bible Experience audio Bible. Listening to it alongside reading it really helped the Scriptures come to life! Loved it! As for healthy eating, we've definitely made strides in this area as well! Creagon is wonderful at helping me keep up with this one! And the photo blogging is going great as well! Love updating it every day. If you haven't found our Photo Journey yet, check it out here! And I've been reading more and more too! Read a great young adult fictional account of sex trafficking in Nepal [Sold by Patricia McCormick], which followed up the true-story of one man's journey to restore survivors of sex trafficking in Nepal quite nicely [Little Princes by Conor Grennan]
. That country is so heavy on my heart! Can't wait to finally step foot there one day… Another great read has been a historical fiction account of London [London by Edward Rutherford]
. It's been a long read, but such a fascinating one! I also have some leadership books on my plate for my training as well! First up, the Leadership Paradox [by Danny Gunderson]
. All these books can be found & purchased on Amazon. If you happen to purchase through the links on this page, it supports us too!
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