Thursday, June 9, 2011

Me and Demi Moore

4:47 PM
I never thought I'd ever have something in common with Demi Moore. I mean, there's always my secret desire to be a movie superstar and marry a much younger man and rock a shaved head. But that's not what I mean.

A few years ago, her and Ashton Kutcher launched the DNA Foundation, an organization crying out against modern-day slavery in our world. I love when celebrities grab a hold of a justice issue and really stir up the general public [think Bono, AIDS, and Africa]. That's what Demi and Ashton have been doing for some time now with this issue that gets my own heart racing. Recently, CNN has joined the fight too, with their Freedom Project initiative. In fact, later this month, CNN will be airing a 60-minute documentary featuring Demi Moore and her recent trip to Nepal to bring awareness to the slavery happening there. You can understand my excitement, as I too will be traveling to Nepal later this month. Demi and CNN recognized the tragedy that is happening everyday in this beautiful country nestled deep in the Himalayas. And just like they are standing up and saying "No more!", so am I.

Help me and my team get to Nepal by donating $300 or some other today right here on my blog through PayPal. Your donation will secure my airline ticket and the funds needed to spend 7 weeks living with and loving the people of Nepal, and bringing the freedom of Jesus Christ to them. Will you join my support team today?

About the author

Joy Muldoon is a full-time missionary and part-time blogger. Read about her travels, adventures, and missions here!