Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Last 29 + Flashback Photos

10:58 AM
Tomorrow I turn 30. A new milestone. It's scary & exciting all at the same time. It's scary because it's sounds so grown up, and I still feel so very young. It's exciting because I know there's so many possibilities out there for what my life will look like. As I reflect back over the past 29 years on this planet, I thought I'd hit some of the highlights & accomplishments...no particular order...

- Met Jesus, my Lord & Savior

- Fell in love & married my best friend

- Graduated second in my high school class

- Earned a bachelors degree in something I really enjoy [and use in ministry!]

- Lived for a summer in California

- Been in 3 out of 4 oceans

-Was broken for the injustice of human trafficking

- Traveled to 11 nations on 5 different continents

- Visited 20 different states

- Learned how to sew

-Became obsessed with reading

-Called into missions

-Spent 4 years working fitness at a YMCA

-Discovered how to share my faith, and led people to the Lord

-Became skilled at graphic design

-Taught abstinence education in public schools [I got stories, let me just tell ya...]

-Jumped from PC's to Macs [#win]

- Made some amazing friends

The 20's have really been a grand decade for me. I lived so much life, and discovered so much of myself. But it's with confidence I move into my 30's. I know who I am, and I know who God created me to be. I have my husband forever by my side. Of course my 30's look awesome!

Thirty was so strange for me. I've really had to come to terms with the fact that I am now a walking and talking adult.
--C. S. Lewis

About the author

Joy Muldoon is a full-time missionary and part-time blogger. Read about her travels, adventures, and missions here!