Sunday, September 13, 2009

And the Decision Is...

9:23 PM
I've agonized over this for quite awhile. I prayed about it for weeks. It's been on my mind since before I left. Will I move back to Cambodia and do long term ministry? Or will I stay in Tampa for something here? Where the heck is God calling me? Oh, the unrest and sleepless nights [part jet-lag, part indecision] drove me nuts. I finally just stopped. Stopped thinking about it, praying about it and agonizing over it. And then peace came. Not in the form of lightning or flashing neon signs [never does], but in the gentle realization that God has already called me there. He had already placed the broken women of Cambodia on my heart. I was getting in my own way. My own fears, my own hangups, was holding me back. And by putting those aside, I saw the answer. I'm going back.

With YWAM, any staff position requires a DTS [Discipleship Training School]. I've chosen the one in Battambang, which is two and a half hours south of where Siem Reap [where I visited]. I chose this one particularly because it's ran by Americans [yay English!] but it will give me the chance to start picking up Khmer. It's a 6month training school which is part missions lecture/training and part outreach. The next session begins March 2010, which is what I'm applying for. The cost will be around $3,000, which after I'm accepted to the school, I can begin raising. My position with White Doves would be support raised also, so me and God are about to start the faith adventure of relying on other for my livelihood. It's exciting, stressful, stressful and encouraging.

So that's where I am now. Getting my paperwork together to apply for DTS Battambang and get myself back there! Thanks for your prayers and encouragement and beginning this crazy ride with me! More to come...

Check out this song by Sara Groves called “I Saw What I Saw” which I could not stop listening to in Cambodia, and that really guided my decision-making process.

About the author

Joy Muldoon is a full-time missionary and part-time blogger. Read about her travels, adventures, and missions here!