Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Applying Myself

11:35 PM
So many of you have been wondering what's next in my preparation for Cambodia. Well, right now, I'm filling out applications! DTS Battambang (as with any missions program) has an extensive application and screening process to ensure they chose the best applicants that fit best with their ministry.

So I hope that's me! I really want to do the Battambang DTS because it starts sooner, and it's Khmer and English, and I can start adjusting to the life and the language, and I'm really anxious to get started in this new journey! But only if it's what God wants. The last thing I want to do is rush into something this big. So if October in Phnom Penh is where I need to my DTS, then so be it. Or maybe even a totally different one! There's one in Orlando that has a Compassion/Justice focus. So I know that God has the perfect DTS with the perfect fit. And side note, praise the Lord, my job funds have been renewed and I have a job until next September!

So that's where I am. Filling out paperwork, finding my immunization records, tracking down references. I know I'll get there...eventually and in His timing.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

And the Decision Is...

9:23 PM
I've agonized over this for quite awhile. I prayed about it for weeks. It's been on my mind since before I left. Will I move back to Cambodia and do long term ministry? Or will I stay in Tampa for something here? Where the heck is God calling me? Oh, the unrest and sleepless nights [part jet-lag, part indecision] drove me nuts. I finally just stopped. Stopped thinking about it, praying about it and agonizing over it. And then peace came. Not in the form of lightning or flashing neon signs [never does], but in the gentle realization that God has already called me there. He had already placed the broken women of Cambodia on my heart. I was getting in my own way. My own fears, my own hangups, was holding me back. And by putting those aside, I saw the answer. I'm going back.

With YWAM, any staff position requires a DTS [Discipleship Training School]. I've chosen the one in Battambang, which is two and a half hours south of where Siem Reap [where I visited]. I chose this one particularly because it's ran by Americans [yay English!] but it will give me the chance to start picking up Khmer. It's a 6month training school which is part missions lecture/training and part outreach. The next session begins March 2010, which is what I'm applying for. The cost will be around $3,000, which after I'm accepted to the school, I can begin raising. My position with White Doves would be support raised also, so me and God are about to start the faith adventure of relying on other for my livelihood. It's exciting, stressful, stressful and encouraging.

So that's where I am now. Getting my paperwork together to apply for DTS Battambang and get myself back there! Thanks for your prayers and encouragement and beginning this crazy ride with me! More to come...

Check out this song by Sara Groves called “I Saw What I Saw” which I could not stop listening to in Cambodia, and that really guided my decision-making process.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

One Girl, Big Difference

9:59 AM
I ran across this powerful video about how just changing one life can make a difference in our world. Whether its in Cambodia, Africa, or our own backyard. Watch, and enjoy!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Moving in Slow-Motion in a Fast-Paced World

2:21 PM
Well, I'm home from Cambodia. Saturday at midnight to be exact. It was quite an adventure returning home. I left Siem Reap Friday evening for Bangkok. Because it was a separate flight than my one to the States, I had to go through immigration and customs to get my baggage (negative: hassle / positive: extra passport stamp). And since my flight to the States wasn't until Saturday, I couldn't check my bags and get to the other side of the airport. I felt like the Israelites unable to enter the promised land. On the other side I knew there was Western food, and cozy Starbucks chairs to sleep on. On my side, there was Thai restaurants and metal benches. So the night wasn't the greatest. But I slept a bit, and woke up early to check my bags and prepare for my endless day of flying. Flight left Bangkok at 8am, and landed in Tokyo at 3:45pm. Next flight left Tokyo at 5pm and 12 hours later landed in Chicago at 4pm. Yeah, I traveled back in time. Not as fun as it sounds. And of course, I had to go through immigrations/customs again in the States. Not a speedy process, but I made it through and ate a delicious Chicago-style pizza. After killing time in the Chicago airport, moving gates (not an eask in the giant airport), and running into a coworker (random!), I was finally Tampa-bound. I had never been so happy to stop flying in my life. My dad picked me up, and as we loaded up into his car, I realized I hadn't been in a car in 2 weeks. Weird! So the past few days have been a blur of sleep, not sleeping, catching up with friends, and fervently praying. One of my dear Facebook friends described this time as “When you step off the plane on US soil, it's like stepping onto one of the moving walkways at the airport. Pretty soon you're just swept up in it.” I went back to work Monday, and discovered life sure hasn't stopped. In fact, it's moving faster than when I left. So as I readjust to life in America, I'm faced with a a pretty big decision. Do I go back to the country that I just fell in love with? Or do I continue with life as I know it? I don't have an answer yet, but I will. I hope.